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You are viewing a project that is currently in draft state for the opensource working group in the Green Software Foundation. This project should not be considered finished or officially supported in any way by the Green Software Foundation or it's members.


What public sources and references are available for energy estimates for computing resources​?

Here are some sources and references you can use for estimating the energy of computing resources:

  1. Cloud Jewels coefficients The following coefficients are provided by Cloud Jewels for how many watt-hours (Wh) it takes to run a virtual server and to store a terabyte of data on HDD (hard disk drive) or SSD (solid-state drive) disks in a cloud computing environment:
  • 2.10 Wh per vCPUh for Server
  • 0.89 Wh/TBh for HDD storage
  • 1.52 Wh/TBh for SSD storage
  1. Avg Watts - Active Idle time for servers