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You are viewing a project that is currently in draft state for the opensource working group in the Green Software Foundation. This project should not be considered finished or officially supported in any way by the Green Software Foundation or it's members.

API Based

How we can get carbon itensity through the API based technique?

​The API-based technique is one of the simplest options to get carbon intensity based on the location/geography where your application is hosted and running. Providers like WattTime API and ElectricityMap provide an API to get the carbon intensity based on location parameters. An in house project has been built and it is called carbon aware SDK. At its core the Carbon Aware SDK is a WebApi and Command Line Interface (CLI) that is a wrapper on top of WattTime and/or Electricity Maps to help provide the region where carbon intensity is the least.

1) The WattTime API provides access to real-time, forecast and historical marginal emissions data for electric grids around the world. The API documentation shows how to get grid emission data based on location.

2) Electricity Map provides actionable data quantifying how carbon intensive electricity is on an hourly basis across 50+ countries. You can find more detail in the API documentation.

3) Carbon Aware API gives the ability for applications to tap into the information around which is the least carbon intense region to run their Azure workloads. Please look into the detailed documentation for usage .